[01.07.2005] Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com. Geschätzte Leserin: Nehmen Sie sich gerne die Freiheit, sich hier umzuschauen. Bitte berücksichtigen sie aber das immer höhere Alter der Inhalte. Die Aufmerksamkeit des Besitzers konzentriert sich momentan mehr auf die reale Welt, und seine offizielle Seite finden Sie unter luzi.schucan.com. |
[first level]Kugelfisch
text |
[second level] 29.10.02Links
Introduction |
[third level] 29.10.02
Some comments on my link listThese pages are a collection of links I personally use. I have been on the net since about 1995. Habits form, and so we start returning to the same websites over and over again. I hope that you can also make use of these sites. I am also trying to keep the list as small as possible. Didn't they say "small is beautiful"? If you are using links that you'd find worth looking at or mentioning here, let me know. If any of these links should go off into oblivion, i.e. if you find any dead links around here: Please send me an email! ![]() |