
Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com.

Geschätzte Leserin: Nehmen Sie sich gerne die Freiheit, sich hier umzuschauen. Bitte berücksichtigen sie aber das immer höhere Alter der Inhalte. Die Aufmerksamkeit des Besitzers konzentriert sich momentan mehr auf die reale Welt, und seine offizielle Seite finden Sie unter luzi.schucan.com.

[first level]



email contact

[second level] 29.10.02


Look it up!
Internet and Computers

[third level] 13.08.03 [always in Progress!]

Personal acquaintances

These are some links to websites maintained, built or owned by people I personally know.

Tricky Triet
An old friend offering his commercial artist's services. Highly professional.
If my site goes offline, this one will, too. My dearest Renate Wernli's website is a display of some of her photographs - which particularly makes sense for a photographer...
Horst Willburger
A good friend's personal website. He owns a digital camera and extensively uses it even in most adverse circumstances - and it shows. There's also some good coverage of his recent visit to Zurich.
Gee-Jay Dot-Com
A very old friend of mine who "has made it on the silver screen". Not only has he been on television daily for quite some time, but he also coatches crowds through events like freestyle.ch or others and owns and feeds a very heavy personal website. He's using some more sophisticated techniques than you will ever see on this site here.
A very respected ex-colleague of mine states his motivation for going independent as a software engineer and computer specialist as follows:
"My motivation to work as freelancer is to improve the reputation of software development!"
Well, to me, that says it all.

© 2002-2004 Luzi Schucan-Wernli | kugelfisch@gmx.net

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