
Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com.

Geschätzte Leserin: Nehmen Sie sich gerne die Freiheit, sich hier umzuschauen. Bitte berücksichtigen sie aber das immer höhere Alter der Inhalte. Die Aufmerksamkeit des Besitzers konzentriert sich momentan mehr auf die reale Welt, und seine offizielle Seite finden Sie unter luzi.schucan.com.

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[second level] 29.10.02


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Internet and Computers

[third?level]?13.03.02 [always in Progress!]

Some News

The internet supposedly is the information highway. Here are some news sources I value a lot.

Le Monde Diplomatique
A monthly newspaper about the things that really matter to our globe. What is going on behind the scene, behind the commercials, behind the lobbyists, behind the politicians, behind the corporations, and how did the current situations arise from their historical background? This amazing newspaper is available in an impressive number of languages.
Here's French (the original), German, English, and Japanese for a start...
Enjoy independent thoughts and ideas!
Google News
Still in its final testing phase (as of 29.10.02), this is Google's latest news aggregator. Its contents are dynamically generated by crawling through a - big - number of news websites worldwide and assessing the news items by "secret" algorithms on correlations, time lags etc. The fascinating result is that news are not aligned by source anymore, i.e. you don't go to a particular newspaper's site to see the stream of events through its particular perspective, but you have someone who delivers the latest contents ordered by news item and you can browse through the different views and sources on that event. I hope it will be a bit less US-centered when it goes live officially.
This is a commented (and partially outdated) collection of links to english or french news sites all over the world. Also very good to learn about other peoples' everyday problems.
Heise online
Dies ist ein sehr guter Nachrichtendienst vom Heiseverlag. Der Inhalt zeichnet sich durch hohe Aktualität und die Möglichkeit zum kommentieren aus. Der Fokus ist leicht in Richtung IT und Wirtschaft geschwenkt.
The Guerilla News Network
This is GNN, the true alternative to the American propaganda machinery (like CNN...). Follow this link to get introduced to the Americans you thought didn't exist!
WoZ - Wochen-Zeitung
Dies ist die ultimative schweizer Zeitung mit frischen Ideen. Keine modischen Themen, kein kurzfristiges "Anderen-hinterherhecheln". Kauft vor allem die Zeitung. Da sie unabhängig ist, finanziert sie sich stark über den (vergleichsweise hohen) Verkaufspreis. Es sind also keine Artikel Online verfügbar.

© 2002-2004 Luzi Schucan-Wernli | kugelfisch@gmx.net

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