
Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com.

Geschätzte Leserin: Nehmen Sie sich gerne die Freiheit, sich hier umzuschauen. Bitte berücksichtigen sie aber das immer höhere Alter der Inhalte. Die Aufmerksamkeit des Besitzers konzentriert sich momentan mehr auf die reale Welt, und seine offizielle Seite finden Sie unter luzi.schucan.com.

[first level]



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[second level] 29.10.02


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Internet and Computers

[third level] 29.10.02 [always in Progress!]

Look it up!

In medieval times, reading was a privilege to the clerics and the aristocrats. Before the internet, owning all kinds of dictionaries and encyclopedias was a privilege to the rich and academics. Right now, the internet is a good place to find many good reference works on all kinds of topics for free. After this hair-raising wannabe-historical derivation: here is your virtual bookshelf.

The Open Directory Project
This is the ultimate in internet directory. I don't really care for ad-plastered websites, so I rather go for the pure content. In lucky cases, the best (content) sites contain the least (advertisement) noise. This is the case for the Open Directory Project. It is the edited and entirely commerce-free directory content which is also delivered through yahoo, google and the like. Obviously, it is ad-free because it makes enough money by renting the contents out to those search engines.
The Internet Movie Database
Whenever you happen to bet on what actor played in which movie: here's the competent source to prove your point - or to be surprised. I found everything on this site I was ever looking for in the context of movies. It even keeps track of movies which are still in the making and those that are never released.
Dies ist das beste, was ich an kostenlosem Wortnachschlagewerk auf dem Internet kenne. Es ist ein Gateway zum Inhalt mehrerer Nachschlagewerke (z.B. Duden, Brockhaus, Pons). Zwar sind dann grössere Einträge nur auf Bezahlung im Volltext zu bekommen, aber mir haben die kleinen Einträge bisher immer gereicht.
English - German Dictionary
Whoever has to translate between English and German once in a while or sometimes needs to look up a particular word: this is your one stop. It is a very quick and comprehensive site.

© 2002-2004 Luzi Schucan-Wernli | kugelfisch@gmx.net

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