
Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com.

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[second level] 29.10.02


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Internet and Computers

[third?level]?17.04.03 [always in Progress!]

Computers and the Internet

Naturally, the first to heavily use the internet as a means to share knowledge were the computer nerds. So here are some random links to websites I have found useful in the past.

This is the prime resource on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and some content on XML, Perl, and others. It is a very well structured german website which is just as useful to a beginner looking for possibilities as to a regular looking for a sensible reference guide.
Nomad Mobile Research Centre
This is less of an everyday reference site than a true hacker's resource center. Even though some of the material may be outdated or difficult to understand, you will be impressed and afraid of what is possible in todays main IT infrastructure, the internet. The site also features all sorts of tools, files and instructions for download. Have Fun.
Walking through the huge halls of CeBIT for the first time in 2003, I was finally introduced to this purely amazing thing called Knoppix: A Linux CD designed to convince the inconvincible about the power and ability of Linux on your desktop.
Knoppix is a CD which boots an entire, up-to-date, and fully functional Linux system on your PC without touching your hard disks at all. A great way to have a look at this brave new working environment or to show off to those who are not enlightened yet...
The ultimate in electronic "Post-it"
This is the ultimate tool to organize your daily computer work. You can enhance your Post-it notes on your W**dows desktop with all kinds of alarms, have them execute programs automatically, organize them in folders, use different layouts, etc.
Depending on your working style, this might be your perfect productivity tool.

© 2002-2004 Luzi Schucan-Wernli | kugelfisch@gmx.net

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