
Dear visitor: Welcome to this ancient website. Please be aware of its increasing age. For the moment, the owner's focus is more on the "offline" real life, and his official site is at luzi.schucan.com.

Geschätzte Leserin: Nehmen Sie sich gerne die Freiheit, sich hier umzuschauen. Bitte berücksichtigen sie aber das immer höhere Alter der Inhalte. Die Aufmerksamkeit des Besitzers konzentriert sich momentan mehr auf die reale Welt, und seine offizielle Seite finden Sie unter luzi.schucan.com.

[first level]



email contact

[second level] 25.10.02

About things

Behind the scene


Technical comments on this website

After spending quite some time on investigations on more "modern", "sophisticated", or "cool" technologies available, I decided to go simple for now. In previous attempts to do otherwise I noticed that the struggle over form destroyed all focus on content.?

So for now, this site truly is a collection of Text-files with occasional embedded images, combined to a nice looking HTML page by a Java Server Page (JSP). It is hosted by a tomcat web engine run on a good friend's living room linux server.

Even though we all know how greatly "platform independent" all this internet stuff is supposed to be, I ran into quite some "cross-platform" problems. I am currently working on a linux machine with the infamous mozilla web browser. If you suspect your screen doesn't look like anything anyone could have wanted to create, please let me know!

I started to use this site as a repository in today's form on the 23rd of october 2002.

© 2002-2004 Luzi Schucan-Wernli | kugelfisch@gmx.net

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